Welcome to the Marine parasites Symposium!

For online participation: follow live conferences on the Imagina application (you first need to create an Imagina account using the email used for registration, detailed instructions were sent to you by email, and are also available on the "Symposium ONLINE" tab).

For in-person participation: we are looking forward to welcoming you in the Hall Atalante, Espace Encan, La Rochelle from 8.30 - 9.00 am on Tuesday 15th.



The “International symposium on ecology and evolution of marine parasites and diseases” is a unique meeting combining marine ecology and parasitology. Considering the need to integrate parasitology in ecosystem studies and global change scenarios, this symposium provides a great opportunity to present the latest research findings regarding marines parasites, to gather international experts from various disciplines and to identify next research priorities in this area, both at the European and international levels.

The symposium will include several sessions spread over 3.5 days on parasites affecting marine organisms: parasite adaptation and evolution, biogeopgraphy and macroecology, parasite detection, disease impact and management, epidemiology, environmental parasitology… Presentations regarding parasites in freshwater organisms are also welcome.

The symposium will be held Espace Encan in La Rochelle

Follow us on Twitter:  ISEEMPD 2022 !


Scientific committee

  • Dr. Isabelle Arzul, IFREMER, France

  • Dr. David W. Thieltges, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands

  • Dr. Mathias Wegner, Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany

  • Pr. Xavier de Montaudouin, University of Bordeaux, France


Invited speakers




IFREMER, Adaptation and health of marine invertabrates Unit (ASIM), La Tremblade, France



This event has received funding from Ifremer, the Aquitaine Region, the Communauté d'Agglomération de La Rochelle, UMR EPOC/University of Bordeaux, and the European Union Reference Laboratory for Molluscs Diseases.

Région Nouvelle Aquitaine Communauté d'Agglomération de La Rochelle EPOC/University of BordeauxIfremerEURL for Mollusc Diseases

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